Petrobras and Total sign a memorandum to search for renewable energy companies


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Petrobras, a public company, has signed an understanding agreement Understanding with French companies Total and Total Erén to analyze the viability of wind and solar energy companies in the Brazilian territory, reported Tuesday the Brazilian company.

The agreement aims to determine the existing potential, especially in northeastern Brazil. Nelson Silva, director of Petrobras' organization and management systems, informed at a conference

Silva denied that Petrobras had retired in the renewable energy sector and said that 39, in 2017, the company's business plan focused on the operation of oil and gas due to "a specific financial situation"

"We focused at this time In 1965, Silva declared that Petrobras would focus more on renewable energies.

The Petrobras spokesman pointed out that the participations of each partner are not defined at the moment, and it is not necessary. There is no discussion about this – a figure of investments. "The first thing is to explore the opportunities, to do a technical study and then to define if there are viable conditions. to present the projects, "he declared

Petrobras has four 104-megawatt wind farms installed in addition to a research and development facility. in solar photovoltaic energy of 1.1 megawatts in Rio Grande do Norte.

Total Eren, founded in 2012, focuses on developing projects on wind, solar and hydroelectric power.

Petrobras and Total consolidated their strategic alliance in 2016, when the two companies pledged to jointly evaluate opportunities in Brazil and abroad in each of them. segments of the oil and gas chain. The two companies are allied in several exploration and production consortiums in Brazil and abroad.

In Brazil, Total was questioned for attempting to develop projects in mining blocks at the mouth of the Amazon River. , considered fundamental for the balance of the environment

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