Planetary and Eclipse Conjunctions: Astronomical Phenomena You Can not Miss | Technology


Several planetary conjunctions and an eclipse of the Moon are some of the astronomical events that will be recorded in the coming days, which require no type of astronomical instruments.

Here is what says the astrophotographer Arturo Gómez who indicated that all these elements can be seen with the naked eye. "Just place our natural satellite in the sky, as a first step, these astronomical phenomena will be visible from all over the Earth, with the exception of the total lunar eclipse, which will be visible mainly on the East Coast of South America, Africa, Europe and Australia ". to be influenced by the information of the prophets of doom, numerologists, horoscopists, tarotistas and brujildas that fill the television screens. These are natural astronomical phenomena that you must enjoy. "

He also points out that it is a good time to get images of our sky.

Gómez asserted that the Moon will be positioned, the following nights, next to different planets, producing a planetary conjunction "that is to say we will see two bright celestial bodies in a small area of ​​the sky"

Friday the 20th and early morning of Saturday 21st: conjunction between the Moon and Jupiter, in the constellation of Libra

Tuesday 24 and dawn of Wednesday 25: conjunction between the Moon and Saturn, in the constellation Sagittarius

Friday 27 at bedtime of the Sun: Conjunction between the Moon and Mars in the constellation of Capricorn.The full moon and Mars in opposition to the Earth, that is to say, the Sun, the Earth, the Moon and Mars will be lined up in this order

Also at sundown on Friday 27 Facing the East, we will see the end of an eclipse of Luna.

"The most favored cities with the eclipse in Chile are those in the extreme south of the country.The Moon will be at its peak, that is to say at a position distant from The opposite of the apogee is the perigee, that is, the moon very close to the Earth, sometimes called the Super Moon, "says Gómez.

Tuesday 31 July : The closest approach to the planet Mars and Earth.The last time was produced in 2003, that is 15 years ago. "The planet Mars comes out at 20:00 over the Andes mountain range and looks like a bright red-orange star. It is the most brilliant in this region of the sky. Very easy to locate. Its maximum height in the sky is near midnight, that is to say above our heads, "added the professional.
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