Poison mondongo


In our country, a mondongo is a thick soup whose main ingredient is the belly of beef, and it is laborious and complex to prepare. Many people love it – I confess that no, but I understand that a quality tripe is a very special dish. In a more familiar way, the word mondongo is also used, occasionally, to identify an unbreakable entanglement. "It has become a mondongo", it is sometimes said that this implies that a problem has become so complicated that there is no way to find a solution. Maybe it's an old sense and therefore obsolete, but no matter, I'm still going to refer to the recent "announcements" of Mr. Maduro, in economic, financial, monetary, etc. "Economic Recovery and Prosperity Program" label, or something like that …

Venezuela is plunged into economic chaos and a humanitarian catastrophe in the midst of a windfall. This feat has as principal agents the predecessor and the successor. But in general to the hegemony that despotiza and depreciates the Venezuelan nation. We all know it, starting with the Boliplutcrats that control power. Faced with this situation, Maduro and his family have today invented an umpteenth economic and social plan, which does not seem to have a head or a head, which can not be defined according to its ideological orientation, and which is based on a shrapnel of lies, including the "economic war" and other excuses in which no one believes. He announces that they will take five zeros to the bolivar, that there will be a new currency cone, and that it turns out that a pitched battle is needed to get the Which, above all, is worthless because of the worst hyperinflation in the world, historically, about the one where there is no official information, that is, to say that it is in the dark, in a harmful uncertainty.

At the same time, Mr. Maduro declares and decrees that the exchange rate regime will be changed, or rather, the illicit exchange regime without going into details The same thing has been announced on so many occasions, that the subject already seems a caricature badly invented. The distortions are so brutal that the value of gasoline from 26 tanker trucks is barely enough to buy a coffee. And then they promise us, once again, that now we are moving towards the productive revolution, the strengthening of international reserves, the substitution of the rent-seeking model and other problems whose density does not concern Maduro and his people, and that's why when they proclaim, everything sounds like pure fanfare.

Where are the tickets? Venezuelans who do not even have enough food to ask themselves. Well, they are in the pockets or in the accounts of the predators of the red hegemony which, by basic logic, can not be the same as those that will take Venezuela out of economic chaos and the humanitarian catastrophe in which he sank. It will be worth nothing to be "assigned" to what remains of the BCV, a "block" of the Orinoco oil belt. It is a propaganda of a raw nature, with which they will convince as much as with the so-called cryptocurrency, the "petro": nobody, because no one has an atom of trust in these tramoyas, unless they are trying to get him out of the troubled business that, no doubt they must be in all the scaffoldings of "announcements" of Mr. Maduro. Without ruling out the "transport census", you can not know how useful it will be, while there are already donkeys and goats that transport people to the middle of the country.

What a thick mongoose! It has a bland odor that is perceived at a great distance. This mondongo is toxic because it includes more poison for the economy and society. Or to express it as it should be: for the economic chaos and the humanitarian catastrophe.

In this regard, the only thing that could be considered as a propitious new – the only thing – is that there was a political change in the context red hegemony

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