Police groups assaulted bishops and journalists at the church


Police groups broke into the Basilica of San Sebastián, in the town of Diriamba, Nicaragua, and assaulted several bishops and journalists, including Nuncio Stanislaw Waldemar Sommertag, Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes, and the police. Bishop Silvio Báez. The attack took place when the bishops traveled to Diriamba, 42 kilometers south of Managua, to release paramedics and Franciscan missionaries besieged by temple parapolices

"Thank God we managed to to reach Diriamba, they were in the basilica as hostages.What we suffered is nothing compared to what most Nicaraguans have experienced, "said Báez, who was also wounded in the pre-war right arm.

The situation arose after a delegation of the Catholic Church, accompanied by the Nicaraguan Association for Human Rights, entered the central square of Diriamba, whose basilica was surrounded some 200 hooded men, as well as dozens of heavily armed police;

Brenes tried to address the supporters of Ortega, who shouted "murderer!" and "guilty!", but before the unsuccessful attempt, the prelate decided to enter the basilica through the back door

In the middle of a strong tension, the bishops managed to enter the temple , as well as some Ortega supporters, who shouted slogans in favor of the president. Inside, there were at least a dozen paramedics and religious in purple dresses and masked faces, waiting to be released by the bishops. The group was removed by a side door of the basilica, while priests sought to block access from behind, without success.

In the fight, the hood attacked with brutal blows to the bishops, who were shot at gunpoint. this allowed them to enter the temple armed with machetes and pistols.

In the midst of the confusion, the priests tried to leave the temple through the back door, but again they were attacked. The pro-government crowd took advantage of the opportunity to strike journalists, in addition to stealing and destroying their phones and work teams.

The attack against the bishops is part of the violent acts that killed 14 people this weekend. Since April 18, about 320 people have been killed because of government repression, according to the Nicaraguan Association of Human Rights.

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