President Maduro honors the memory of Jorge Rodríguez Sr.


.- N.- As a man of morality and irreproachable dignity, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, the Socialist leader Jorge Rodríguez Sr., celebrated the 42nd anniversary of his sowing

" We commemorate 42 years of the brutal murder of revolutionary leader Jorge Rodríguez, a man of moral dignity and impeccable who gave his life for the construction of the socialist fatherland.Today we continue his eternal fight.Live Jorge Rodríguez! The Head of State Writes on Twitter

The Socialist leader was born in Carora, Lara State, on February 16, 1942. On July 25, 1976, he died in the dungeons of the old direction Sectoral General Intelligence and Prevention Services (Disip), after being tortured by the security forces of the first government of Adeco Carlos Andrés Pérez, reported AVN.

Rodríguez received a teacher training and then entered the Central University of Venezuela, Faculty of Human Sciences where he assumed responsibility for student management, including a as a delegate of the University Council, in 1966.

On November 19, 1973, he called for the creation of the Socialist League, in which he served as Secretary-General until the moment he was murdered.

On the occasion of this new anniversary of his physical departure, he is scheduled for this Wednesday In the morning, a popular act in his honor, at the General Cemetery of the South, in Caracas . [ad_2]
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