President Maduro led the graduation ceremony for NBAF officers


Caracas- The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, on Saturday directed the joint graduation ceremony of command, technical and active reserve officers of graduates of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) of 1985

The president was received with military honors upon his arrival at the academy. "Today is the day when the 1985 promotion gives way to immortality, 33-year military career devoted to military service with the people, always with the people, it's a special day and a lot of gratitude for the country, "he said. Venezolana de Televisión (VTV) of the court of the Military Academy in Fuerte Tiuna, Caracas

In addition, it celebrated this Saturday marks the 43rd anniversary of the graduation of Commander Hugo Chávez leader of the Bolivian Revolution, according to AVN. 19659002] "We are here on graduation day, recalling that 43 years ago the second lieutenant Hugo Chávez who was to become commander of a new historical era of Venezuela in full development, l & # 39; 39, the time of the Bolívar revolution ". .

On the other hand, he called the soldiers to strengthen the military institution of Venezuela, "every day we must strengthen the military power of Venezuela in every classroom, in every classroom, in each barracks, in each academy, "According to the VTV report, there are a total of 1,268 undergraduate and naval graduates who are lieutenants and second lieutenants.

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