President Medina congratulates medal-winning athletes from Central America Games


In letters sent to each of the winners

Santo Domingo RD .- The President Danilo Medina congratulated, on behalf of the Government and his, the athletes who have won gold, silver and bronze medals, in various sports disciplines, in the XXIII Games of Central America and the Caribbean Barranquilla 2018 . Danilo Medina told each of the winners that he was filled with joy and satisfaction by the brilliant performance of the Dominican athletes in the aforementioned competition and expressed his best wishes for continuing to achieve better results in their ascending career.

son ​​:

  • Ramón De León bronze medal in the men's racquetball competition doubles with Luis Pérez
  • Yvonne Losos de Muñiz gold medals and d & # 39, money, in equestrian sports, stand out in the individual training event and as the overall champion of the four days of competition.
  • Merynányelly Delgado Bronze medal in women's racquetball.
  • Luis Pérez Bronze medal in the men's racquetball. and in the double competition of this sport, with Ramón de León.
  • George Hernández silver medal, as a member of the equestrian team of the Dominican Republic.
  • Stephanie Engstrom Silver Medal, as a member of the Equestrian Team of the Dominican Republic.
  • Julio Eduardo Dujarric Silver medal in men's flat firing, Skeet modality.
  • Luis Alberto Coca bronze medal in weight lifting, category 106 kilograms, cleaning method
  • Ana Villanueva gold medal in karate
  • Maria Dimitrova medal of Gold at karate
  • Kristal Lara Garzón gold medal in Swimming
  • Deivis Ferreras Gold medal in karate

Women's volleyball and handball selection [19659020] Similarly, the king sent a letter to Cristóbal Marte, president of the national volleyball team project. Dominican Republic woman, in which she congratulated the Volleyball team for winning the gold medal.

Nancy Peña, captain of the women's national handball team, for the gold medal won by the national team the women's handball team of the XXIII Games of America Central and Caribbean Barranquilla 2018.

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