President Nicolás Maduro arrives in Cuba to participate in the Sao Paulo Forum


Photo: @PresidencialVen

(Caracas, July 16. News24) .- The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro Moros, arrived Monday night in Cuba to participate in the law of the fence of the XXIV Forum of Sao Paulo, which will take place this Tuesday .

The head of state arrived at José Martí International Airport, in the city of Havana, Cuba, Monday afternoon, where will be held the plenary, whose theme will be focused on the need to strengthen the unity and integration of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Maduro is accompanied by the first fighter, Cilia Flores of Maduro; the Minister of Communication and Information, Jorge Rodríguez; and the Minister of Presidency and Monitoring of Government Management, Jorge Márquez.

According to the images transmitted by Venezolana de Televisión, the Head of State was received by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez; and by the Cuban Ambassador to Venezuela Rogelio Polanco, at José Martí International Airport in Havana

It is expected that at the closing ceremony of the Sao Paulo Forum, which has begun last Sunday, pay tribute to Commander Fidel Castro (deceased on November 25, 2016) and to the speech delivered by the leader of the Cuban Revolution at the IV Forum of Sao Paulo 25 years ago

During two days, progressive and leftist delegations from 113 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, discussed the role of the left in Latin American unity and seek to pave the way for a space critical and building new perspectives with the goal to reinvigorate the struggle of sovereign nations against imperial maneuvers to subdue the region.

In the event, the participants expressed their solidarity with the former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, victim of persecution. judicial investigation.

With AVN Information

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