Presidents Raúl and Díaz-Canel act for the day of the national rebellion in Santiago de Cuba


The clock shows 5:12 in the morning. Thousands gather in front of the Moncada barracks. The red and black bracelet is attached to the memory. The walls are also silent in the honor of the dead, martyrs. The image of Fidel above the Turquino, with his rifle on the shoulder, guide and guide the crowd. Sixty-five years later, and well above, a bright red of 26

The national anthem shivers in the symbolic, when the provincial group breaks to play their strings and their voices, they resonate at dawn in one: Let the Fatherland proudly look at you.

The poems of the Centennial Poet, by Raúl Gómez García, reverberate in the enclosure and give way to the national act for the 65th anniversary of the assaults of the Moncada barracks and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes. [19659004] We are already in combat
To defend the idea of ​​all those who died
throw the wicked out of the historic temple
for the heroic gesture of Maceo
for the sweet memory of Martí.

The pioneer Laikén Rodríguez Hernández, who is in seventh grade at Roberto Rodríguez Elementary School, said:

"For us, the pioneers and young Cubans, on July 26, marked the struggles for liberation and independence. "It is obligatory to remember Melba Hernández and Haydée Santamaría, heroines of this revolutionary feat.

Today, 65 years of Moncada, the pioneers "honor the memory of our eternal and generous friend Fidel," Laikén said.

The professor of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Oriente University, Arianni Rodríguez González, reminded those who, one day as today, but in 1953, "have decided to attack in search of utopia, hope and a better future "

" That July 26 began a successful path, "said Rodriguez, in ratifying the people's fighting engagement in history. "The Cubans, our biggest challenge is to answer the call of the Fatherland, we will not let the ideals of the Apostle die, because the young people of the Centennial did not let them die." [19659002ThefirstsecretaryofthePartyintheprovinceofSantiagoLázaroExpósitoCantointervenedThursdayinthelawanddeclaredthattheMoncadabeganthelaststageoftheCubanpeoplefortheirindependence"TodaywearesummonedtorememberourmartyrsTheyareoursacreddead"

"The Moncada has awakened the conscience and aroused rebellion," Expósito said in the room that is he has seen rising to the Centennial generation. "This Revolution, daughter of Marti ideas, does not surrender and does not sell."

General Raul Castro Ruz, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, approves the word. Photo: Irene Pérez / Cubadebate

Army General Raul Castro Ruz, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, approved the national law for the 65th anniversary of the assaults of the Moncada barracks and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes

Addressing to the present, to the glorious land of Santiago and to the people of Cuba, Raúl began his speech by pointing out Santiago as this worthy city that cradles and keeps the remains of the national apostle, Father and Mother of the Fatherland and the Historical Leader of the Revolution

The First Secretary of the Party referred to the Draft Constitution of the Republic of Cuba, which demands the reform of the Magna Carta approved 42 years ago in the aim of including the socio-economic transformations adopted

"An important political and democratic exercise will begin, the success of which will depend in the first place on the active participation of the Cuban people, the Party, the UJC and other organizations, to guarantee the irrevocable nature of socialism and the continuity of the Revolution. "

Regarding the economy, the army general referred to the adverse factors we faced and the slight growth of the economy in the first half. He has stressed that the most effective measure is saving, and that it should become a standard of conduct, basically for executives and workers at other levels.

In this regard Regarding Latin American integration, Raúl refers to the context of the region in the current century and how, since the early years, as part of the struggle of peoples against the harmful effects of neoliberal forces, progressive forces are came to power He spoke of the defeat of the FTAA and the emergence of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America as an alternative to regional unity. "In 15 years, 60 million people and more than three million illiterates in poverty have come out of poverty. Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua. "The vision has been made to more than two million 800 thousand people and more than one million in Cuba, thanks to Operation Miracle.

The general pointed out how the US government said there is a few months and without the slightest restraint, the full validity of Monroe's doctrine: America for the Americans (those of the North), and how it intends to leave the Latin American nations in the status of dependence and submission [19659008]., Raúl recalled, reversing gains made and sovereignty in the use of Latin American resources.The First Secretary of the CPC Central Committee also referred to the XXIV Forum of Sao Paulo recently concluded, which was constituted as an essential space for leadership and political integration.

In reference to the relations between Cuba and the United States United Raul said that the two nations share of the formal diplomatic links, which have formal channels of communication and mutually beneficial communication, in a limited group of regions.

Under the pretext of assignments to their diplomats, whose origin no one has been able to prove, bilateral ties have been degraded. The army general recalled how they were expelled 17 Cuban diplomatic officials based in Washington and the subsequent reduction of US embassy staff in Havana. "Similarly, the extraterritorial application of the US blockade has intensified, particularly the persecution of our financial transactions."

Raúl, in his key words for the act of the 65th anniversary of assaults on the Moncada Barracks and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, this Thursday in Santiago de Cuba, said:

"This is nothing casual only in the draft of our Constitution reaffirms that socialist defense is the highest honor and the supreme duty of every Cuban, and the war of all the people and the strategic defense of the nation is incorporated into it. "

" Once again, an adverse scenario has been confirmed and once again euphoria of our enemies resurfaced and hastened to realize the dream of destroying the example of Cuba For us, as for Venezuela, for Nicaragua, it is very clear that the fence is closing and that our people must be alert and ready to take up every challenge with unity and unshakable faith in victory. "

On July 26 we forged an incessant battle, overcoming setbacks. Raúl, back to the Moncada, amazed the audience by saying: How can we not remember the young people who have were tortured and murdered here, while they wanted to storm the skies so as not to let the apostle die the year of his centennial? 19659002] The President of the Councils of the United States. State and Ministers, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, Lázaro Expósito Canto, member of the Central Committee and First Secretary of the Provincial Party of Santiago de Cuba and other members of the Party and the Government were also present.


The Army General recalled a sentence of the Comandante in chief, when Fidel expressed that "our historic deaths do not they have not fallen in vain (…) They fought with us in the war, we see them reborn in the new generations ". 9016] "We can say that, no matter how difficult circumstances may be, as great as they may be, our peoples will defend their socialist revolution forever." History has shown that it is possible, yes, it does not matter. it is possible, and it will always be possible. "

The Revolution triumphed five years, five months and five days after the Moncada. 65 years have passed since the act

The sun rises in Santiago. The Sierra Mountains see the day of the national rebellion in Cuba

Raúl Castro and Miguel Díaz-Canel chair the political-cultural event on July 26 in Santiago de Cuba. Photo: Irene Pérez / Cubadebate

Politico-cultural event on July 26 in Santiago de Cuba. Photo: Irene Pérez / Cubadebate

Raúl Castro at the 65th Anniversary Gala of the assault of the Moncada Barracks and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes. Photo: Irene Pérez / Cubadebate

Politico-cultural event on July 26 in Santiago de Cuba. Photo: Irene Pérez / Cubadebate

Raúl Castro and Miguel Díaz-Canel chair the political-cultural event on July 26 in Santiago de Cuba. Photo: Irene Pérez / Cubadebate

Lázaro Expósito Canto, member of the Central Committee and First Secretary of the Provincial Party of Santiago de Cuba. Photo: Irene Pérez / Cubadebate

Politico-cultural event on July 26 in Santiago de Cuba. Photo: Irene Pérez / Cubadebate

Raúl Castro and Miguel Díaz-Canel chair the political-cultural event on July 26 in Santiago de Cuba. Photo: Irene Pérez / Cubadebate.

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