Producers call for continued vaccination of foot-and-mouth disease – Printed Edition


The ARC of Argentina, in agreement with the Farm, argues that it would not be desirable to stop vaccinating against foot-and-mouth disease as planned since 2020, said yesterday its owner, Dardo Chiesa.

Although Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay have a sanitary status of FMD free countries and that there is no presence or presence in the country. 39, viral activity in Mercosur, the Federation of Mercosur Mercosur Rural Associations of the Carne Forum, believe that there is still no conditions to stop vaccinating against this evil due to external factors, said yesterday the president of the Confederation of Argentine Rural Associations, CRA, Darío Chiesa.

Launch of the Prado Expo in Uruguay, which took place last night at the Rural Association of Paraguay, in Mariano Roque Alonso. This act was postponed to the FARM meeting at Expo 2018.

Chiesa explained that health events recorded in Venezuela and uncleared events in Colombia, are situations that could generate income from the virus at Mercosur , from abroad of the region.

However, when he was asked the president of the ARP, Luis Villasanti, he avoided giving the position of the regional guild in this matter and that precisely today when he was in charge. Official inauguration of Expo 2018, the proclamation of the Farm will be read.

Expo Prado, Uruguay

Regarding the reason for the appeal, the President of the Rural Association of Uruguay, Pablo Zerbino, invited Paraguayan producers and entrepreneurs to visit the Expo Prado 2018, to be held in Montevideo, from 5 to 16 September. It was pointed out that in the previous edition, the Prado Expo received some 350,000 visitors, with 650 exhibitors and more than 2,000 copies of different races.

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