Psuv focuses on youth as guarantor of the future of the revolution


Photo: The guide of the man

(Caracas, July 4, .News24) .- The Unified Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) bet on the youthful renewal of the leaders of the political organization, as guarantors Delcy Rodríguez: "Rejection of the imperial criminalization of Latin American progressives"

The political leader of Psuv in the state of Apure, Ramón Carrizalez, offered the information and added that the direction of Youth start with a community work stage and in Units of the Battle Bolívar-Chávez (UBCh), bases of the revolutionary party.

"When we say that the future of the party and of the Revolution is in the youth we must be clear that for the future to be there, young people must assume responsibilities and we must promote this renewal The guarantee is in youth but the previous step is fundamental, "said Carrizalez, during the installation of informative assemblies for the IV Congress of the PSUV

transmission of Venezolana de Televisión, he said that UBCh will play a fundamental role in the election of territorial delegates, who consult and debate constantly to expand the radius of action and contribute to the actions of the government in each community.

The IV Congress of the PSUV will be held on July 28 in tribute to the maximum leader of the Bolivarian revolution, Hugo Chávez Frías. For this edition, it is planned to invite representatives of political parties from several countries, including Russia, Brazil, China, Nicaragua, Argentina and Bolivia.

This congress aims to consolidate the organizational and programmatic structure and ideological party in favor of the construction of Bolivarian socialism.

In the last edition, held in 2014, the political organization made decisions relating to the economic area, the defense of sovereignty and the strengthening of the party itself.

With information from AVN

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