Putin and Trump reiterate that they want to see each other again


US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said yesterday that he is considering meeting with his Russian counterpart Sergei Choigou while a new meeting is scheduled between Presidents Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin

. "I am in favor of the reopening of communication channels," Mattis added to the Pentagon

. "It is very important that we talk to the countries with which we have the most disagreements."

A few minutes earlier, President Putin declared himself "ready" in Washington and invited his American counterpart to visit Moscow. We are ready to invite President Trump to Moscow, he has received this invitation. I am ready to go to Washington, "said Putin in Johannesburg." But, I repeat again, [sólo] if good working conditions are implemented, "he warned.

The White House quickly announced that the US President was open to Moscow. "President Trump looks forward to receiving President Putin in Washington after the first day of the year, and he is ready to visit Moscow when he receives an official invitation, "said the US executive in a statement

of the first summit of the two presidents on July 16 in Helsinki. in the United States, where Trump's statements were considered very conciliatory with Putin.

Asked about the summit, Mattis said there had been "no change in policy" vis-à-vis from Russia, he also said that Trump does not want to has not asked to cooperate with Moscow on refugees in Syria.

Refused to meet Russians. Trump denied knowing of a meeting between his campaign team and a Russian lawyer who had promised to share compromising information for his rival Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election race.

On June 9, 2016, Donald Trump Jr .; his son-in-law Jared Kushner and campaign leader, Paul Manafort, met at the Trump Tower in New York with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, who offered information from Moscow able to help Trump to win the presidency

I did not know about the meeting with my son, Don Jr. "Trump wrote in Twi-tter." It seems to me that someone is trying to invent stories for get out of an unrelated situation, "he added, referring to statements made by his former lawyer Michael Cohen, who said that Trump had done so. AFP

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