Putin ensures positive change in US relations after summit with Trump | In the world


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Photo: Archive

2001.com.ve | EFE

The Russian President, Vladimir Putin today emphasized new and better prospects in the open relations between Russia and United States after his first summit in Helsinki with the head of the White House Donald Trump .

More than four hours that the two leaders pronounced last Monday – at first alone, then Accompanied by their ministers and advisers – they are nothing to solve the problems accumulated for years, but "the road to Positive changes began to move, "said Putin. "19659005" Despite all the differences in our positions, we have coincided in that Russian-American relations (…) are even worse than at the time of the Cold War, "said the Kremlin leader at the meeting that he held in Moscow with the Russian Ambassadors abroad and the Dome of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and

The Russian President defended the need for & # 39; 39; develop a new agenda "aimed at cooperation, looking for connection points" in Washington and assured that it was one of the "In general, ( the summit) has been successful and has resulted in useful agreements, "said the Kremlin leader, without specifying the issues on which he could reach consensus with his colleague from Trinidad and Tobago. same time, Putin warned that USA "there are forces ready to sacri easily trust Russian-American relations on the altar of their political ambitions. "

very powerful and strong people, able to put in the head of millions of citizens stories that do not correspond to any logic", has he said in reference to the authorities, politicians and media who accuse Russia of interfering in the 2016 presidential elections.

Those who were He added that they are also "willing to sacrifice even their own national security problems ", the interests of their allies in Europe and the Middle East, and the interests of their own societies.

At his press conference in Helsinki, Putin and Trump emphasized a deep consensus on nuclear disarmament.

Russia's ambassador to the United States, Anatoly Antonov, said yesterday that leaders agreed on the need to maintain treaties for the reduction of strategic weapons (] START III ) and for the destruction of missiles at medium and short range ( INF )

"The START III treaty expires in 2021. Although we can actually live without it, even there is a few years we made the right choice and signed it.But if we do not start working to extend it now, in a year and a half, it will cease to exist, "Vladimir warns. Putin at the meeting with the ambassadors.


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