Radio Havana Cuba | Cinderella at the stages of the new season of the National Ballet of Cuba


Cinderella at the stages of the new season of the National Ballet of Cuba

National Ballet of Cuba. Photo / Archivo

  National Ballet of Cuba. Foto / Archivo

Havana, July 19 (RHC) The dance version of La Cenicienta, one of the most famous stories of the French writer Charles Perrault, is the proposal that the National Ballet of Cuba brings for its new season to the Habana's Gran Teatro Alicia Alonso

From this Thursday until July 22, the public will be able to enjoy the young dancers who make their debut as main characters sharing the stage with the first most acclaimed figures of the company.

choreography, Cuban designer Pedro Consuegra was inspired by the story of Perrault and composed this Cinderella dancer version in two acts and four scenes, with music by Johann Strauss (son) and drawings of Armin Heinemann. this capital with an excellent reception of the public and critics.

Grettel Morejón, Rafael Quenedit and Bárbara Fabelo compose the cast of the first performance; Ginett Moncho, Adrián Sánchez and Chavela Riera take second place; while Chanell Cabrera and Yankiel Vázquez will play the third role; and Viengsay Valdés, Dani Hernández and Claudia García will close the sets. (Source: PL)

Published by Saily Pérez Gordillo

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