Radio Havana Cuba | Demonstrations continue in France against the railway reform


Demonstrations continue in France against the reform of the railways. Photo: Archive

  Demonstrations continue in France against the reform of the railways. Photo: Archivo

Paris, July 7 (RHC) The strike against the railway reform continues Saturday in France with the participation of the unions Confederation of General Labor of France (CGT) and Solidarios Unitarios Democráticos (SUD), which they called the workers to maintain the mobilization.

The actions began the day before and affect the first weekend of the summer, in which it is expected that more than one million users will reach the network. railway at the beginning of the holidays

According to the National Railway Company (SNCF), unemployment causes disturbances in high-speed trains, interurban and regional.

However, the effects are much lower than those that occurred from April to June, during the intensive demonstration organized by all unions in the sector.

For the move this weekend, no agreement was found and organizations like the CFDT and the Unsa

movement is aimed at rejecting the rail reform approved by the government. executive, considered a threat to a model public service sector in France.

The most rejected points are the opening to competition of C & # 39; is the zone, the reorganization of the SNCF, and the end of the status of railwayman who ensured until now of the advantages and social benefits to employees.

Despite the approval of the reform, some organizations advocate the maintenance of the mobilization and called for new judgments for July 19 and for other dates in the month of August.

The strike "will have no end point until we have the guarantees we have been asking the government since the beginning". television Cnews the general secretary of the union CGT Cheminots, Laurent Brun.

For his part, the head of the General Confederation of Labor, Philippe Martinez, stated that "the battle of the railway line has not ended, although the law has been validated, the battle continues. " (Source: PL)

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