Rafael Lacava made Transdrácula available on the road to health


Lismary Hernández | Noticiero 52 On Tuesday, the governor of Carabobo, Rafael Lacava, inaugurated the "Salud Transádula Road" formed by school buses imported from the United States.

From Hospital Dr. Henrique Tejera, the regional chairman He explained that the proposal of the Transacculacula de la Salud will be transported free of charge to all hospital staff.

"This road will allow all the doctors, nurses and workers of all this hospital community of Valencia and Puerto Cabello to have free transportation to be able to transport from his place of residence to his "Also, the governor pointed out that this road will help solve the problem of transport in the region." This will allow the workers to be more motivated while solving the other problems we are working on He concluded the president.

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