Rainfall of varying intensity is expected this Friday in the country | With people


  Photo: Repository

Photo: Repository

2001.com.ve | AVN

The National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (1965-19005 Inameh ) predicts rainfall of varying intensity in the country this Friday, the most often in the southern regions, the Western Plains, Los Andes and south of Zuliana.

Similarly, reports the arrival of a tropical wave at the eastern end of the country at the end of this afternoon, "which will produce an increase in cloud cover with rain and drizzle, some accompanied by electric shocks ". in its meteorological part, published on its website

Towards the regions Western center, State Yaracuy, Falcón and Lara, and the central plains, states of Guárico and Cojedes, the Inameh provides frequent showers and scattered showers, especially in the afternoons and evenings.

With regard to temperature, the Inameh estimates a maximum for Caracas in the afternoon 32 degrees centigrade

The waves on the eastern and central coast of the country will vary between 0.5 and 1, 8 meters high on the west coast and insular area; between 0.5 and 1, 6 meters in height in the central and eastern coasts, according to the institute measures.


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