Referendum in Peru to legitimize judicial reform before corruption scandals


The reform contemplates changes in the Constitution to create an entity for the control of the judiciary, the establishment of an anti-corruption prosecutor's office, greater transparency in judicial decisions and sanctions for judges and lawyers corrupted, among other things. "A referendum process is going to open for judicial reform," said Vizcarra, who reacted strongly to the judges' scandal four months after taking office in the midst of a political crisis that led to the resignation from his predecessor Pedro Pablo. Kuczynski (2016-2018), overwhelmed by allegations of corruption

"The administration of justice system has collapsed and, as you know, this problem is not today. It's structural, "added Vizcarra in his first message to the country. Congress for the Independence Day

Congresswoman, Fuerza Popular, the largest opposition party led by Keiko Fujimori, said that Vizcarra "was not reciso, because that a referendum is viable only if there is a prior law on the subject to be consulted, in accordance with constitutional regulations. "

Meanwhile, Jorge Del Castillo, party member of D & B Aprista opposition, said that he was "agreeing with referendum and that there is no re-election of legislators."

The Peruvian judicial system is mired since July 8 in a scandal following the broadcast of hearings of judges who negotiate sentences and trafficking, although experts claim the scourge of corruption "Crosses" the entire state.

Therefore, the referendum will also raise issues unrelated to the judiciary, such as banning re-election of legislators and restoring "bicamerality" to the Peruvian Congress, eliminated in 1993 under the government of Alberto Fujimori (1990-2000)

– Breaking Point –

"This crisis has reached a breaking point.I have decided to lead a long-awaited change for all Peruvians. had not been revealed, everything would have continued the same, "added the president, highlighting the work of the press.

The scandal is amplified with the release of new recordings, which now reach local football after a telephone conversation. in which the ex-selected Teófilo Cubillas asks the help of a questioned judge of the Supreme Court for a fugitive sentenced to 16 years in prison.

The broadcast of the audios caused the resignation of the chief of the Supreme Court, Duberlí Rodríguez, It also cost him the position of Orlando Velásquez, the head of the Council of the Judiciary, the body that names the judges and prosecutors, as well as the Minister of Justice, Salvador Heresi, who was to promote the judicial reform of Vizcarra.

The darts now point to the Attorney General, Pedro Gonzalo Chávarry, when a compromising conversation with a questioned judge was disclosed, but he refused to take a step.

"The audios broadcast by the new prosecutor of the nation are examples of the crisis and the need for change," Vizcarra said in his message.

This scandal is an "already seen" of recent Peruvian history. , because the broadcast of audio or videos led to the fall of President Alberto Fujimori in 2000, to the resignation of Kuczynski last March and to the suspension last month of the popular legislator Kenji Fujimori

"This that we are living right now is rather the existence of a system of corruption that runs through the state, "told AFP lawyer Jose Ugaz, former President of Transparency International

– "Encouraging Probity" –

prepared by the commission chaired by former Foreign Minister Allan Wagner

He envisions the creation of a "national authority" "Integrity and control" of the judiciary and the prosecution, said Vizcarra, He has submitted to Congress on Saturday six bills on the subject, but they do not involve constitutional changes.

The reform also contemplates changes in transparency procedures and policies before the courts, in addition to sanctions to "encourage probity in the However, there are doubts that Vizcarra can succeed in implementing its ambitious reform because he does not have the support base in Congress, dominated by the opposition party of Keiko Fujimori, who He kept Kuczynski on the ropes during his 20 months in power

"I see it with difficulty … I hope that there is a change of attitude because we need the Congress to make the reforms, "said Vice President Mercedes Aráoz Thursday.

Dressed in black and wearing coffins as a sign of mourning, thousands of Peruvians demonstrated Friday in several cities to express their indignation at the scandal of audios [19] 659024] Five points of judicial reform

In the consultation , the cito It will also be asked if the re-election of legislators and the restoration of bicamerality in Congress is maintained.

There are doubts that Vizcarra can carry out the ambitious reform because it lacks a base of support in a Congress dominated by Keiko Fujimori's opposition party.

Announced after disclosing audios revealing the traffic of influence and the negotiation of judgments in court, the judicial reform has five points:

– Reform of the National Council of Magistracy (CNM), organization that appoint judges and prosecutors.

– Establishment of the National Authority of Integrity and Control in the Judiciary and the Public Ministry, to seek a substantial change of the Judicial Control Body (OCMA), which did not fulfill not the role that the law confided to him to investigate and punish the magistrates.

– Incentive r the "probity" of the legal profession and transparency in the courts, applying sanctions to those who do not respect the provisions.

– Reform of the Public Prosecutor's Organic Law and creation of a system of prosecutors specializing in crimes against public administration, bribery of officials, money laundering and related crimes.

– Establishment of the Council for the Reform of the Judiciary System, which will be headed by the President of the Republic and composed of the heads of the Congress, the Judiciary, the Public Ministry the Nation, the Constitutional Court, the National Council of Magistracy and the Ombudsman.

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