Relatives found the corpse of his relative disappeared in Bolívar


Relatives found on Thursday the corpse of 37-year-old David Maita in the San Jacinto III area, on the road that connects the city of Puerto Ordaz to Ciudad Bolívar (Bolívar).

Maita and a family member went to pay the salary to Francisca Duarte, the person who takes care of a family property located in the area of ​​Brincos, in the state of Bolívar. The parent resisted the kidnapping and received several stab wounds from subjects who later moved with the vehicle taking the 37-year-old man, as described by El Pitazo

. help in a hamlet near the site. The parents denounced the security agencies although they found Maita's body.

Police officials assume that the caretaker is responsible for what happened.

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