Remove the bad smell from the mattress with these cleaning tips


Thanks to this, its regular application keeps the surface immaculate and free of allergens. Among other things, decreases these unsightly stains that are formed by the absorption of sweat and dead cells. Do you dare to try them at home? Take note!

Baking soda to remove the bad smell of the mattress

Baking soda is one of the most effective organic ingredients to eliminate the bad smell of the mattress. Its deodorant properties neutralize the unpleasant aroma that is released by mold and liquids released by the body.

It also acts as a natural detergent, facilitating the removal of unexpected stains or spills. In turn, it protects fabrics from the surface, extending its useful life. In this case, we improve their properties with hydrogen peroxide for a deeper cleaning.


¼ cup of sodium bicarbonate (50 g)
1 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide (250 ml)
] 2 drops of liquid soap


] Add the baking soda into a bucket and then add the hydrogen peroxide.
Mix well and continue adding drops of liquid soap.
After obtaining

Mode of employment

Shake the product before use and spray on the mattress
Leave on for several hours, until it is completely dry . If possible, put it in a place where it receives fresh air
Once it is dry, scrub the entire surface with a brush to remove the bicarbonate residue
Repeat the # 39, application at least once a month.

White vinegar for the bad smell of the mattress

White vinegar does not have the most pleasant aroma; However, it is one of the best home remedies to neutralize the bad smell of the mattress. Likewise, it is an allergy solution because it eliminates the mites and bacteria that proliferate on this surface.

However, when applying it should be used in moderate amounts because the idea is not to wet the mattress. For a more pleasant aroma, it can be combined with essential oils such as lavender or citrus fruits.


½ cup of white vinegar (125 ml)
1 cup of hot water (250 ml)
10 drops of essential oil to taste

Preparation [19659003Dilutethewhitevinegarinacupoflukewarmwater
Then add the essential oil and pour it into a bottle with a spray.

How to use [19659003] Spray the product on the surface of the mattress and let it air dry
Use it whenever you notice an unpleasant odor.
Note: this remedy does not eliminate stains. Therefore, to make it completely clean, it must be completed with other solutions.

Sodium Bicarbonate and Lavender Oil

Lavender essential oil is a natural air freshener that can hide unwanted odors. Therefore, combined with sodium bicarbonate can be helpful in eliminating the odor of moisture that is concentrated in the mattress. In turn, this preparation disinfects and removes mites.


1 cup of baking soda (200 g)
20 drops of lavender oil


Incorporates sodium bicarbonate into a deep bowl.
Then add the lavender oil and mix well
If the dough stays wet, let it dry for a moment.

How to use

Distribute the product over the entire surface of the mattress
Leave on for 10 minutes and rub with a brush.
Finally, remove the bicarbonate residue, preferably with a vacuum cleaner.
Apply once a month.

Final Council [19659003] Remove the sheets and blankets from the mattress and allow it to "breathe" for at least two hours before making the bed. While we usually put everything in order early in the day, it is best to ventilate it so that its moisture and heat do not affect the growth of germs.

Do you get a bad smell in your bed? Have you ever disinfected the mattress? Then start using these tips for cleaning. As you can see, they are easy to prepare and do not contain harmful chemicals.

Source: mejorconsalud / MF

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