Representatives from 24 international matches will attend PSUV plenary sessions


Caracas.- Representatives of 24 international political parties will participate in the plenary sessions of the IV Congress of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) which will begin this Saturday and will continue until Monday, July 30.

The leaders of the Communist Party of Cuba (CCP) and the Communist Party of China will be present at the day, said AVN

For Chile, party spokesmen will come: the progressive country, the Movement Allende Socialist and the Communist Party. The meeting will bring together 670 territorial and sectoral delegates elected by the PSUV bases, as well as speakers from the Brazilian Communist Party (Brazil), the Basque Political Party SORTU (Spain) and the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Senegal. Cape Verde (Guinea Bissau)).

Convergence (Guatemala), Mozambique Liberation Front (Mozambique), Broad Front for Democracy (Panama), Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (Palestine), Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (Palestine) and National Movement for the Liberation of Palestine (Al-Fatah), are other international organizations that will attend the meeting of the Red Awning, partisan organization of Venezuela that brings together the largest number of activists.

Representatives of the Guasu Front by Portugal, Portuguese Communist Party

Movement of the United Left (Dominican Republic), Partido Poder Ciudadano (Colombia), Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (El Salvador), Front Sandinista National Liberation (Nicaragua), Frente Polisario (Saharawi Arab Republic), Free Party of Peru (Peru), Nuevo Encuentro Party (Argentina) and representatives of the African National Congress (South Africa), will attend the day of the political debate.

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