Restart classes at Escuintla and San Juan Alotenango


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Little by little, activities are taking their normal rhythm in the villages affected by the June 3rd eruption. Today, 3,611 students from official and private schools are starting their classes in Escuintla and San Juan Alotenango in tents offered by UNICEF with support from various municipalities and private initiative.

A Escuintla, form improvised since last week, as in the garden of Escuela Escuela Federación José Martí, where children have been emotionally received the mathematics and language books of the Ministry of Education . "We want to start now," they said.

However, today, at an official ceremony with the presence of educational authorities will restart the school year. The students will be placed in 15 tents donated by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) installed in the Armando Barillas stadium, informed Henry Torres, Escuintla's departmental director of education.

"The presence of children and young people is expected, currently living in the 12 refuges of this head, which correspond to the level of education 150 pre-primary, 611 primary and 250 intermediate level," said Torres , who also said that these tents will be served by about 72 teachers and equipped with all services, furniture and security by the army.

Corina de la Rosa, originally responsible for coordinating the shelter José Martí in Escuintla, asked the help of the neighbors for the gift of accessories for hair repair of girls, school shoes, shoe polish and white shirts, to encourage and motivate children at this stage.

n micro-days

On the side of San Juan Alotenango, Sacatepéquez, the students who attend today the courses are on average 2,600,600 who will be housed in five tents installed in the sports fields of El Calvario. Most are from the locality and some of the hostels. They were placed with more flexible study modes: micro-trips of 2.5 hours each, for all cycles: pre-primary, primary, basic and diversified. Another of the authorized spaces is the Institute of Basic Education by Cooperative, in the same area. Among the shelters, the presence of 13 preschool children and 109 primary school students is expected.

The students are divided into five tents, also offered by UNICEF, where two grades will be awarded to each unit. According to Fernando Rodríguez, departmental director of Sacatepéquez, there will be an average of 148 teachers, to which will be added private educational centers, such as the Alfa and Omega schools which still host 62 people and who will begin their courses at the same building.

Students of the Enrique Castillo Monge Institute, Fundación Adentro, will also resume their activities. For them, a space was created thanks to the foundation Humanity First, reported José René Sul Pamal, secretary of the municipality of Alotenango

With the tragedy, two schools of this city became shelters and four other in collection centers. The Mayor's Office's support consisted of providing the physical space to install the tents and the safety of 24 municipal officers in this area.

The most immediate actions of the municipal administration are to evacuate these collection centers and accelerate the construction of transitional family shelters in the Santa Isabel farm to make, in the medium term, the school buildings to the inhabitants of 39; Alotenango.

Back to school was also a reason for private initiative to continue to support. On this occasion, with over 3,000 kits of backpacks and school supplies.

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