Retirees protested because they received only 2 million Bs in cash


Retirees of the Venezuelan Social Security Institute yesterday rejected with street actions the decision of the National Superintendency of Banks to pay them 2 million bolivars in cash from the pension, the total amount of which was 8.4 million bolivars this month. At the entrance of a bank, the elderly closed a channel on Urdaneta Avenue in Caracas to consider that the Sudeban was a mockery.

The beneficiaries of the IVSS began to line up from 2:00 in the morning to They received a "cold bath" at 8:30, when they were informed that they would receive only 2 million bolivars.

Several Sudeban officials were sent to several banking agencies in Caracas and Maracaibo, among others. to the users the reason for the measure: There is not enough cash because the Central Bank of Venezuela has only allocated 30% of the bills to the pensions, hence the order to the public banks and private to pay 2 million bolivars.

"The problem is not coming to you tomorrow because it is charged according to the identification number and next week there is a holiday and things keep going up.We want to pay full to be able to buy cash food from hawkers, who sell it cheaper than with a debit card, "said Aida Ochoa, a 67-year-old housewife.

Alfredo González, 68, clarified: "The protest was spontaneous because of the rage and helplessness of not being able to charge full.The president Nicolás Maduro gives the face, the city undergoes the consequences of the bad decisions of his government. "

With the refrain of" Queremos nuestros reales ", María González, a 59-year-old housewife, said that she came from the Valleys del Tuy (there the banks do not allow that to withdraw 40,000 bolivars a day from the account) in Caracas "paying dearly the passage to pay in full".

On his Twitter account, the IVSS, reported the payment of pensions for days 18, on July 19 and 20, for 8.4 million bolivars corresponding to the feedbacks of June and July (1.4 million and 2.8 million bolivars) and at the August pension of 4.2 million bolivars.

Protests were also held on Victoria Avenue in Caracas, where retirees closed the road for the same reason, on Páez Avenue, in El Paraíso and in the vial of La India, among other parts of the capital

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