Revealing the damage done to the university in Managua, Nicaragua | news


The National Police of Nicaragua showed the media this Sunday some of the weapons used by violent groups who for weeks occupied the facilities of the city. National Autonomous University of Nicaragua ( UNAM ) in Managua (capital).

The images were unveiled at the request of the authorities of the academic institution given the magnitude of the destruction in which it was located. l & # 39; University. In the compound is the Child Development Center (CDI), Arlen Siú, who was burned.

In addition, a student residence was destroyed and several administrative areas and officials were ransacked, such as laboratories and classrooms, among other spaces.

>> Violent groups set fire to the university in Nicaragua

left by the subjects inside UNAM were mortars, mortars, bombs craft and industrial, and ammunition, among other weapons. Bottles of alcoholic beverages and motorcycles and vehicles that had been stolen for disarmament were also part of the evidence.

The authorities have found several certificates, documents and notes of the subjects, which will serve as evidence and data to bring back the investigation.

On July 13, the police entered the prison after weeks of occupation, fighting a confrontation between men in uniform and those who remained parapets in the academic institution. In fact, two men allegedly criminals and not students were murdered, as reported by some media

>> They found weapons in a university in Nicaragua

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