Rising oil prices in low Venezuela production


PHOTO: Panorama

The Venezuelan Ministry of Petroleum informed (Minpet) that the average price of Venezuelan crude sold by Petróleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA) increased during the first week of July. [19659003 Venezuela Al Día Edition

According to figures released by Minpet, the average price of Venezuelan crude oil sold by PDVSA during the week ending July 6 rose to $ 69.65, an increase of $ 67.07 from the end of the previous week

Source: www.minpet.gob.ve

Also, the price of Venezuelan oil in 2018 has averaged $ 60.03 over the past four years , the difference of 2017 was $ 46.66, above $ 35.15 in 2016. And higher than the $ 44.65 in 2015, but lower than the $ 88.42 in 2014.

to note, that 97% of foreign currency earnings in Venezuela, are generated by oil exports The irony of the matter is that the decline in oil production in the country has contributed to the rise in world oil prices .

In the latest Platts survey, the Venezuelan oil company fell to 1.3 million bpd in June, the lowest figure in the company's records. From January 2014 to June 2018, the country destroyed 1.6 million bpd of production capacity.

And between the last 12 months, the loss is 600,000 b / d of production capacity estimated at 60 barrel, means a loss of income for the country of $ 12.9 billion.

Oil production in Venezuela for the year 1998, produced 3.5 million bpd and had plans to increase this production by 6 to 8 million bpd, it is important to note that c & # 39; was a year before President Hugo Chávez took over the presidency.

In contrast, for 2008 with the expropriations, the disastrous socialist economic policy, hyperinflation, corruption and political purges within PDVSA led Venezuela's once powerful oil production to less than half of that. that she was 20 years ago.

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