Riverdale unveils the first trailer of the third season


The trailer for the new Riverdale season has already been released. During the CW network panel in San Diego Comic-Con, this news was published

In the trailer, Archie is seen outside the jail and appreciates his friends, although he's not in trouble. it is not clear how he recovered freedom They also did not reveal whether in the series there will be a jump in time and their time in jail will not be shown.

While in prison, K.J.Apa, Archie's interpreter, commented, "I am excited to see how Archie manages the prison. I would like him to join a gang, I want everything, "said Comic-Con's actor. Apa also revealed that during the third season, we will see the lawsuit he will face. [19659004] Riverdale: Third Season

Also, in the trailer, Archie tells Betty, Veronica and Jughead: "After the worst summer of all time, I want to"

At the end of the second season, and after having been blackmailed by Hiram Lodge (Veronica's father), Archie finds himself behind bars accused of having murdered Cassidy. Bullock, a crime that he did not commit.

Also, the newly discovered villain Hal Cooper (Betty's father) is arrested after revealing that he is Black Hood … and that with that identity he has killed several citizens of Riverdale. In addition, our beloved Betty and the desperate Cheryl Blossom have decided to join the Southside Snakes.

Watch trailer:

The third season of Riverdale, The CW, will present its new

They also announced during their panel at Comic-Con San Diego that Penelope Ann Miller ( The Artist ) to play District Attorney Mrs. Wright who will try to convict for murdering the character played by KJ Apa.

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