Romantic publications with which Tini Stoessel and Sebastián Yatra have confirmed their relationship – Shows and Culture

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After several rumors in recent months, Tini Stoessel and Sebastián Yatra confirmed in their social networks that they find in a romantic relationship. And they let it know with romantic messages on Instagram!

The Colombian singer has hung an image in which he appears next to the actress about to kiss, accompanied by a "Every time more" in the description.

For its part, the Argentine artist published a photo next to the performer of "No hay nadie más" in which they intertwined. "I love you I love you", she commented.

The two musicians had stirred up rumors about their relationship, especially when Yatra had released the video for "Cristina", in which she was playing a couple with Tini in this production filmed in Valparaíso.

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