Rosmeri Marval has eliminated her Instagram photos after an intimate video


Foto: Instagram

On Tuesday, social networks were activated after the escape of an intimate video of Venezuelan actress Rosmeri Marval with her husband, Venezuelan singer and actor Aran De Las Casas, better known in music as "Aran One", the same comments generated little scandalous from the supporters.

Editorial Venezuela al Día

The audiovisual material that has been broadcast through the various platforms 2.0, has not shown anything that does not happen in the intimate life of d & # 39; a couple. The actress wore small clothes but did not show her sexual parties, nor any risky scene, that is why the messages of the users were neither alarmist nor reproach

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Also Only the singer could see his face while he praised his wife and urged him to take off his clothes. The curious thing is that two days later, the Venezuelan has removed all the photos that she had on the social network of Instagram, while her husband still keeps the images in his account.

Some cataloged people said "scandal" as a marketing strategy supposed to get followers. Until now the couple who met in the juvenile series "We Are You and Me", did not make statements about it nor updated them on their social networks.

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It is important to note that this is not the first time that videos of this tone become viral and provoke intrigue in Venezuelan society, in the past characters like , actors Roxana Díaz and Jorge Reyes, journalist Luis Olavarrieta, actresses Erika Schwarzgruber and Yorgelis with singer Ken, among other celebrities of the show, also had their five minutes of fame after have featured XXX videos.

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