Russia will launch a mission to "check" if the United States has come to the moon


(N + 1 Agency / Víctor Román). Although this has been explained until exhaustion, a new proponent of the conspiracy theory that the United States has not reached Luna comes from the highest scientific and technological spheres of the world. Government of Vladimir Putin. Dmitry RogozinNothing more, nothing less than the head of the Russian space agency, Roscosmos, has just "proved his doubts" during a meeting with the President of Moldova, Igor Dodon.

In a video posted on Rogozin's Twitter account this weekend, the head of the Roscosmos If the NASA It really touched the moon almost 50 years ago. In response, Rogozin Proposes that a new Russian mission investigate the case: "We set this goal to fly and check whether they went there or not," he explained.

This is not the first time

While everything seems to indicate that Rogozin this is not the first time that Russia has raised questions about the details of the Apollo 11. In an article published in 2015 in the Russian newspaper Izvestia, a spokesman for the Russian Research Committee, Vladimir Markin, called for an international investigation into the disappearance of film footage from the famous 1969 event, while consulting the location of lunar rock samples collected by NASA. until 1972.

"We do not say that they were not [a la Luna], and they just made a movie about it, "Markin wrote. But all these scientific or perhaps cultural artefactsthey are part of the legacy of humanity and their disappearance without a trace is our common loss. An investigation will reveal what happened"he added.

However, the context of these statements implies another intention. Comments were made after the announcement of the opening of an investigation into the alleged corruption of the IFFA, and Markin blamed US prosecutors for "declaring themselves the supreme arbiter of international football issues."

Doubt planted

In any case, the damage was done: everything contributes to fueling the distorted narrative that NASA simulated the landing of 1969. For its part, the NASA she was sincere about the loss of this original recording, and now her mismanagement of cassettes is partalsa fable landing. According to the space agency, the initial landing gear was lost among 200,000 video tapes that the NASA intentionally cleaned up to save money.

To restore the missing images, the space agency had to resort to Lowry Digital, a company that restores old movies from Hollywood, to reproduce the original images of the video transmitted from the event. Something that also fueled the conspiracy theory. "Conspiranoics will believe what it will believe," said Mike Inchalik, Chief Operating Officer of Lowry Digital, in 2009.

This news was originally published in N + 1, the science that adds.

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