Russian agents funded by the infiltration of bitcoins in US elections | CryptoNews


The United States Department of Justice has formally charged a group of 11 Russian undercover agents, by various means of hacking, in the computers of individuals and institutions, in order to to interfere in the US presidential elections. The indictment reveals that spies have used bitcoins to finance part of the operation.

The indictment states that this group of agents, belonging to a Russian intelligence branch called GRU by its acronym, has made infiltrating through a large-scale cyber operation and stealing tens of thousands of documents, from networks linked to the Democratic Party, as well as email accounts from Hillary Clinton campaign staff.

The conspirators used cryptocurrencies, mainly bitcoin (BTC) for to buy servers, register domains and actual raise other payments related to this intrusion . In this sense, it is stated that the payment for the domain, where part of the stolen documents was published, was made from a cryptocurrencies purse. They also used these funds to finance the rental of a private server registered with the courier account [email protected]

. To obtain the BTC used in the payments, the accused agents used both the money and the money. extraction and purchase of bitcoins on P2P platforms. (peer to peer). In fact, it has been revealed that the conspirators used their hacking infrastructure to undermine the known cryptocurrency by using the processing power of the compromised computers. Bitcoin funds have also been used to fund the Guccifer 2.0 blog area and the payment of a Virtual Private Network (VPN) service, as well as a server in Malaysia.

The Ministry of Justice also accuses Russian agents of having laundered money in the amount of 95 thousand dollars using the pseudo-anonymity offered by cryptocurrencies , like Bitcoin, to fund its infiltration infrastructure.

Although the conspirators used another As part of this operation, it is stated that banks mainly use bitcoin to avoid direct relations with traditional financial institutions. In this way, they managed to keep their identities and their links with Russia and the Russian government hidden for a while.

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