Saint Venezuela is a finalist for the BBVA Open Talent 2018: The World's Largest Financial Technology Competition


11 July 2018 – 23:05

Ramón Vera, director of Saint-Venezuela

The Creole company, Saint-Venezuela is one of the 20 finalists who win the BBVA Open Talent 2018 prize Its director, Ramón Vera, talks about the expectations until the day of the announcement of the laureates and the company that he directs.

The BBVA Open Talent is the largest financial technology competition for companies in the world. "They reward new technologies and trends across the planet," said Vera.

Similarly, he said that Saint competes in the category Future, which awards Startups or the emerging companies that propose Fintech or the financial technology that will prevail in the future . However, the three best of all categories will finally be chosen

Today, Saint-Venezuela ranks among the top 20 emerging companies in 80 countries in the world that participated in the contest. "To be among the first 20 out of 6000 who participated, is already a success.After all, here in Venezuela, there is no internet … From Latin America we are the only ones ", expressed Vera

About Saint

Saint Venezuela is a company that innovates daily on different administrative platforms, accounting and payroll, staying at the forefront of technology.

He also said that physical age does not matter, the mental age itself. That's why in your company there are 20-year-old workers, as well as 70. "It's about innovating who you work for," he added. "We do not copy models, by not copying the models, we are not wrong – thank God, there has been more success than mistakes." He assured that all current projects of the company are geared towards the new economy.

"People say that the cloud in Venezuela is not feasible because there is no internet". At that, lawyer Ramón explained that today everything is happening in Venezuela with the Internet. "The outlets that work are those of the internet, payments are made by wire transfers (the company that does not need to receive wire transfers, does not exist), where are the newspapers that are read? In the cloud So if we already have these variables how every day, where should businesses be? In the cloud. "

Vera explained that those who do not believe that c & # 39; is already foray into the cloud, can disappear as a society. "It's the new thing and that's what we've been working on for 11 years." When no one was talking about this, "said Saint's director

Verá said that all other companies are working with technology 30 years ago, which is still new to them. "For a company to change every paradigm, it must think differently."

Ramón Vera with part of the team of Saint-Venezuela

New Information Technologies

Ramón Vera said that in the future, the only thing that will count for human beings will be the reputation Since, the only ones that have a record of what we are, do and where we have been, it is our cell phone and this can give us. "Even with whom we have been," he said.

He mentioned that artificial intelligence will play an important role. "We will not know if we are talking to a person or a robot, an operator." Chat applications, phones coming out in 3 or 4 years or programs like Skype, will develop unimaginable tools that will allow you to make a reservation by simply ordering it on the mobile device.

Similarly, he admits that remotes will disappear as well as telecommunication companies (phone numbers will not be needed anymore) and neither passports nor identity cards, since countries like Canada are planning to 39, apply facial recognition in airports

. that your company rivals 19 around the world, to innovate and to be ahead of what we see.

Freydalí Pimentel
Photos: David Moreno
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