Sampaoli will lead the U-20 and will be evaluated by the AFA | Soccer



The Argentine Football Association [AFA decided on Monday that the national coach, Jorge Sampaoli will lead the U-20 team in the 19459003 tournament from L'Alcudia (Valencia) and later the technician will be evaluated.

The president of AFA, Claudio Tapia accompanied by the first vice president Daniel Angelici met Monday for an hour in the area of ​​Ezeiza with Jorge Sampaoli "on the performance and performance of the national team in the last World Cup that was played in Russia."

"In addition, in accordance with the link established between the parties and the working methodology implemented to date, after the dissociation of Sebastián Beccacece (under U-20), Jorge Sampaoli will be responsible for leading the representative in the tournament to be played. AFA adds that "at the next meeting of the executive committee, agreed at the end of the month, the leaders will conduct a joint assessment of the how was the process of the coach up to that moment "to decide his future.

In Russia 2018 the Argentine team has qualified with difficulties for the quarter-finals after 1-1 with Iceland, losing 3-0 to Croatia and beating Nigeria 2-1. In the eighth, albiceleste s & dquo; Is tilted 4-3 against France .

The U-20 tournament of L & # 39; Alcudia is played from July 28 to August 8 t.

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