Samuel, head of the ELN and considered the tsar of the kidnapping, was killed on his return from Venezuela – Conflict and Drug Trafficking – Justice


Jacob David Acuña Gelis, aka Samue a guerrilla with over 30 years in the ELN and who joined the National Directorate of this illegal organization, usually left his refuge in Venezuela to visit a woman in Colombian territory

This was established, thanks to human resources and technical aids, by the police and army investigators who have for mission to "drive out" the members of the central command and other commanders of this organization. delinquency

"We were able to establish when I was going to cross the border, how many men and in what area I was going to establish a security perimeter in the rural area of ​​San Pablo, at south of Bolívar, "said the officers of the Public Force. l & # 39; transaction.

A sniper, over 250 meters away, kills 'Samuel'. who directs the structures & # 39; elena & # 39; who commit crimes in the south of Bolivar and Antioquia.

The information is shared with the Special Joint Operations Command of the military forces, who have designated, as they usually do, a small group with the highest level of training to camouflage themselves in the area and wait for "Samuel ". " The target was detected with three other people, apparently attempting to escape and died after the reaction of the army ," the source said.

Defense Minister Luis Carlos Villegas said that the fall of "Samuel" is a blow to the ELN. Among other reasons, as he was considered one of the trusted men of Nicolás Rodríguez Bautista, "Gabino", the leader of the group, who had asked him to return to Colombia to restructure politically and financially some fronts dedicated to drug trafficking, illegal mining and extortion.

Unsurprisingly, intelligence reports indicate that "Samuel" was between four times in Colombia between 2016 and 2017 and that brought to their hidden commands in Venezuela about 5,000 million pesos produced from these " The neutralization of alias Samuel must give peace to many social leaders in this region, south of Bolívar, because his initial arrest warrant was for a homicide in a protected person, "said Villegas, adding that he was accused of rebellion, conspiracy to commit a crime, aggravated kidnapping and drug trafficking.

The neutralization of alias Samuel is to give peace to many social leaders in this region, south of Bolívar, because his arrest warrant initial protected person

The leader of the guerrilla, aged 58 years, was considered the "czar" kidnappings of the ELN. In 1999, he ordered the captivity of the mayors of Simití and San Pablo (Bolívar). That same year, April 12, he led one of the most repudiated actions in the history of the conflict, the hijacking of the aircraft Fokker of Avianca in which 41 passengers and five crew members were traveling .

The last of the kidnapped on this plane recovered freedom in November 2000. Families had to pay on each release. "Samuel" is also indicated to order that 60 people are kept in the path Moralitos, Bolívar, deprived of freedom for about a week. He accused them of facilitating the entry of paramilitary groups in this region of the country.

The authorities also hold him responsible for being the brains of the deaths of two priests and two civilians in the Convention, Norte de Santander, in 2005, which they confused with the paramilitaries. Priests Ramón Mora and Vicente Rosso Bayona and two people who collaborated with them José Carrascal and Édgar Vergel, were murdered by the guerrillas, who later acknowledged their mistake.

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