Santa Rosa Catholic University promotes a digital education program


Caracas, July 13 – The Santa Rosa Catholic University (Ucsar) and Canaima Industries evaluate the development of an agreement to implement a distance or digital education plan, "So that students can access," said the rector of the school, Carlos Boully Gómez.

In an interview granted to the program Al Aire, of Venezolana de Televisión, said that already have a virtual operational education and who finalize the technological details to merge the academic content in a digital way , which includes classrooms and virtual classrooms.

The origins of the institution go back to the time of the colony. and it is in 1999 that the commander Hugo Chávez, by presidential decree, authorized his operation, after the National Council of Universities, unanimously, approved his creation

Boully Gómez meant that the Ucsar maintains the training line of the ethical professional, who believes in Venezuela, "we have an open door policy for anyone who wants to study in one of the 17 locations of our university",

Bastion of Social Communication

Since its inception, the university is linked to the theme of Social Communication, "since the creation of the first Post Orinoco, in addition to the first public library that it There was in the country was born from this university in the idea of ​​Juan Germán Roscio, so we have always been at the forefront of the transmission of knowledge and especially in the media, "said the rector.

Among the novelties In the region, he emphasized the course of the speech and pointed out that the house of study is authorized to issue certificates in this field at the national level through the School of communication S

He pointed out that a new course will begin on August 4th.

He said that in 19 years, the growth of the university has been in the supply and demand of new careers such as administration, accounting, law, as well as # 39 a series of postgraduate courses in the fields of law, education, communication, accounting, foreign trade.

During the interview, Vice-Chancellor Pedro Balza indicated that they had more diplomas,

For his part, the vice-rector of interinstitutional relations and doyen of social communication, Jesús Vargas, stressed the commitment to add more young people to joint projects.

The cultural part is also included in the performance. of the Ucsarque orchestra promotes Latin American music and in two weeks they will open a Sunday area at the university's headquarters in La Pastora, Caracas, gastronomic fairs.

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