Sarah Ferguson shares a letter to the defense of Princess Eugenia before the criticism of her marriage


  Sarah Ferguson


Carolina Soto

Although it is not common for Sarah Ferguson to respond to Make him or her daughters, this time she decided to use her Twitter account to publicize her position. A few days ago, a column was written in a British newspaper criticizing the splendid preparations for the wedding of Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank . Although the article may have gone unnoticed, the Duchess of York retweeted an open letter that the president of a charity wrote to the newspaper and in which she clearly expresses her position on these comments.

  Sarah Ferguson, Beatriz of York and Jack Brooksbank "itemprop =" image "src =" -101-31 / fergiecarta1-z.jpg [19659007] VIEW GALLERY <i data-icon=

"I am the CEO and co-founder of Humanitas Charity, whose Duchess of York is the patroness … I am horrified by the hostility that was expressed in the play .I would like to question the purpose of the article, was it to embarrass or lead a young couple towards the decisions what do they take about their marriage or was it to arouse anger and hatred against them? Anyway, the result is negative and is tantamount to intimidation, "reads the open letter written by Sarah Wade .

"The rhetoric is fiery and divisive, suggesting that the Princess is" hungry "for flicker and glamor that is also monstrous that of his mother Fergie "and making the negative judgment that the princess" did not do anything well known ". I would like to ask if "the author of the play" has known or spent time with Princess Eugenia or if her mischievous vision of a 28-year-old woman is the result of years of d & # 39; Abusive and unfounded abuse directed for years. to the Princess and her family … It is imperative that we support freedom of expression, but not when the purpose is to inflict pain on others and to incite others to do it. "

  Sarah Ferguson and Beatriz of York =" image "src =" /fergiecarta2-z.jpgVER

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Although Sarah did not write anything next to this publication retweeted the message of another user in which it was noted that the article was "unpleasant" and that it was "was intimidating hiding behind a newspaper. The piece mentioned in the letter and the tweet question some of the few details that have been published about Eugenia's upcoming wedding, which will follow some of the steps of Harry's union and Meghan . Although her mother seems to be uncomfortable with the criticisms that have been made, it seems that the princess appreciates the preparation of their wedding to the fullest and ignores this type of negative comments.

  Beatriz of York and Jack Brooksbank "itemprop =" image "src =" 33 / fergiecarta3-z.jpg SEE THE GALLERY

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