Scientists discover in the Sahara the oldest colors of the earth


Scientists at the National University of Australia (ANU) discovered the oldest colors of the geological record, bright pink pigments of 1.1 billion years removed from the rocks in the depths of the Sahara Desert in Africa.
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Pigments were collected from the black marine shale of the Taoudeni Basin in Mauritania, West Africa, they were more than half a billion dollars. years older than previous pigment discoveries

. it is the molecular fossils of chlorophyll that have been produced by ancient photosynthetic organisms that inhabit an ancient ocean long gone, "says Nur Gueneli, of the School of Earth Sciences of the US. ANU.

the appearance of large active organisms was probably limited by a limited supply of food particles more g "The cyanobacterial oceans began to disappear about 650 million years ago, when algae have began to spread rapidly to provide the explosion of energy necessary for the evolution of complex ecosystems, where large animals, including humans, could thrive on Earth, "concludes the researcher [19659006] Source: Globovisión

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