Scientists discover the world's oldest color


A close look at pink pigments.

Australian National University

Scientists at the Australian National University have identified the world's oldest color.

The team of researchers discovered a bright pink pigment in rocks taken from the depths of the Sahara in Africa. The pigment dates back to 1100 million years ago, making it the oldest color found in the geological register.

"Bright pink pigments are the molecular fossils of chlorophyll that have been produced by ancient photosynthetic organisms that inhabited an ancient ocean that has already disappeared," said Nur Gueneli of the Faculty of Geological Sciences at the University of California. Australian university.

Color pigments were extracted from black marine shale found in the Taoudeni Basin in Mauritania, west of Africa. According to scientific discoveries published on July 9, they are about 500 million years older than previous discoveries.

Scientists extracted and studied the molecules of ancient organisms that were found during the grinding of rocks. The fossils of origin show colors ranging from blood red to dark purple. But when they are diluted, the pigments acquire a bright pink color.

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