Scientists see the possibility of the existence of life on the moon millions of years ago


Photo: RT

(Caracas, July 24 – News24) .- A couple of astrobiologists from the United Kingdom and Germany claim that the moon may have hosted life for millions of years as explained In an article published in the journal Astrobiology

scientists point out that conditions in the Earth's satellite were conducive to the existence of simple living organisms after the formation of the Moon 4 billion years ago.

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According to astrobiologists volcanic activity was increasing formation period of the Moon, reaching its peak about 3,500 million years ago . This phase was marked by the eruption of various volatile gases, among which there was even water vapor, stress the researchers.

The authors of the article, Dirk Schulze-Makuch and Ian Crawford, explain that this high activity It could have formed reservoirs of liquid water on the surface and an atmosphere dense enough to create favorable conditions to housing life.

"If liquid water and a significant atmosphere had been present at the beginning of the 1945-1900 Moon period for long periods of time we believe that the lunar surface could have been, at least, transient, habitable, "Schulze-Makuch explains.

The researchers came to this conclusion after studying the results of the recent space missions and analysis of lunar rocks and soils that have demonstrated the presence of water molecules in our satellite

With information from RT

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