Second death due to Guillain Barré syndrome in Honduras this year | In the world


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Photo: Archive | Repository | EFE

Health authorities of Honduras report that the second person died in the country because of Guillain Barré syndrome until now in 2018.

The spokesman of University College Hospital Miguel Osorio told reporters that the second death occurred last Tuesday in this hospital.

This is an 18 year old woman whose name She was hospitalized for four days in the Intensive Care Unit of the University Hospital, in Tegucigalpa did she added.

The woman died of the "Guillain Barré syndrome" and is from ] San Marco de Colón department of Choluteca border with Nicaragua, southern Honduras, said the spokesman of the state hospital.

Guillain Barré, who attacks the nervous system, may in some cases cause weak muscle ad and may be related to the Zika virus a disease that is transmitted by the mosquito Aedes aegypti, which carries the chikungunya and dengue.

Honduras has counted 36 cases of people who have contracted Guillain Barré syndrome, the majority of whom are between the ages of 30 and 50, according to official figures.

The majority of cases are recorded in the departments of Francisco Morazán Comayagua and Choluteca, in the center and south of the country

The first death of Guillain Barré in Honduras – a woman – was registered last March at the University Hospital.


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