Sector Vice Presidents refine their priority action card


[N .- The Minister of Defense, G / J Vladimir Padrino Lopez reported that they tweeted Monday 9 "on the priority action card of the government in the seven strategic lines to advance in this new stage, in this new beginning, to address all the national problems, all that afflicts the people of Venezuela and which will lead us to become a powerful Venezuela. "

After the weekly meeting of sectoral vice presidents, held at the headquarters of the vice presidency, in Carmelitas, the military leader stated that they "incorporated ideas so that we could move forward on the theme of dialogue, reconciliation and the construction of socialism ".

Regarding the situation of the markets The municipalities indicated that previously, they had met all the coordinators of these markets. He acknowledged that there are "nodes" in which they could not go ahead, while in other areas such as health, services, Hygiene, cleaning, maintenance and the fight against crime, progress has been made. "Let people know that when they buy in this market, they have all the sanitary and other measures at their disposal." It is to recover the original meaning of the municipal markets, "said the senior official.

Similarly, they approached the field of education, and noted that the school year ends Friday 13 next.

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