Selena Gomez had a very sweet birthday | News


July 22 Selena Gómez is 26 years old and seems to have reached this age more concentrated and with clearer ideas than ever before. Despite all the success she enjoys, the singer did not have an easy life.

Daughter of a teenage mother, she began as a girl to live adult life with her work as an actress. He has worked and won followers all his life. So many elements that have made it one of the most important juvenile icons of the moment and most often in social networks.

But health was not his strong point (depression, kidney transplant …) nor his emotional life (with a constant Justin Bieber with which he goes and returns without concretize.)

But if anything can boast of having loyal friends who are still there and one of them is Taylor Swift . Although their diaries keep them separate, distance is not a problem to show their support permanently. And no, Taylor did not spend her birthday with her because she had a concert but that did not stop the singer from eating a cake for her health.

She published stories with a cake dedicated to her BFF. "Will I let the distance keep me from celebrating my best friend's birthday?" He wrote in the networks, "I mean, I could but why would I?"

And this was not the only detail for Selena. A day before his birthday, he celebrated it with friends. He first ate with some of them and then they went together to see Grace VanderWaal who acted as the supporting act of Imagine Dragons

In the singer's locker room she found another sweet surprise in the form of white cupcakes with blue icing that had her name written.

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