Senate of Argentina begins sessions by the Abortion Act


The Argentine Senate began the sittings before the debate on the proposal of the law on abortion in the National Congress on Tuesday, while in front of the building, a crowd was again split between celestial and green slogans in the One of the projects The bill, presented for the seventh time last March by the National Campaign for Legal Abortion, safe and free in front of the parliamentary chambers, will be debated in the Senate on August 8th.

Starting at 5 pm, the Argentinian Senate begins a historic debate for the South, since the project to decriminalize abortion has never gone so far.

They defended with flags, banners and celestial handkerchiefs the so-called "pro-life" movement, and became visible in front of the Congress building on the left side of the square, just as the or did on June 13 when the Chamber of Deputies of the country debated what, the next morning, obtained the average sanction.

"We are sorry that some members have changed their positions at the last moment, and this is a lot of attention, has caused us a lot of discontent and we are also seeing something similar in some senators," he said. he explained during a conversation with Efe Rodolfo Diomede, member of the organization Youth for a Mission

. obtain signatures to submit to senators, who, according to Diomede, are "misinformed" what this law means.

"Today, we carry about 100,000 signatures, in addition to the 600,000 we delivered three weeks ago."

The hearings to discuss the project will take place every Tuesday and Wednesday, according to a statement issued by the Argentine Senate after Tuesday's plenary session of the Co Missions of Health, Constitutional Affairs and Justice and Penal Affairs.

At 25, Mercedes Millain, the event's assistant, helps collect signatures "to ask senators and the president to listen to people who are supportive of both lives."

"This n & n Is not that all of Argentina is in favor of abortion, "said Millain, who pointed out that those who are against the law can, with their signature, demonstrate their support for the blue handkerchief Throughout the month of July, there will be seven meetings with an initial list of 56 exhibitors proposed by the chairpersons of the three committees, Mario Fiad (Health), Pedro Guastavino (Justice and Criminal Affairs) and Dalmacio Mera (Constitutional Affairs), while the blocks can offer other participants.

As they did every Tuesday during sessions of the Chamber of Deputies, many green scarves accompany the demands of the movement. favorable to the approval of the law, which is on the right side of the Congress entrance.

"We are optimistic but without trust because we know that there are many interests at stake," remarks Fernanda González, coordinator of the Buenos Aires city of the Mujeres organization of the Latinoamericana Matria (MuMaLá).

The pro-choice movement again made its voice heard Tuesday with more "optimism" than a few months ago, from its point of view, after the approval of " They begin to manifest themselves because a factor of change is the popular mobilization, we will find peace, because we will not fall into situations of violence but there is a strong confrontation of ideas ", [19659003] For the coordinator, organizations opposed to the legalization of abortion are starting to see how the street was a "fundamental factor at the time of the decision of the deputies", as she claimed, and C & # 39; is why Congress Square is divided again

"The campaign for the right to decide, which is the slogan of the handkerchief, has more than thirteen years of conformation, it has not been settled there is a month, "said Gonzalez, adding that near the green handkerchief there are" seven years of projects and a road different "to the heavenly.

However, a new color appeared Tuesday between the two groups, although he had visibility on the proabortista side, an orange handkerchief that claims separation from church and state , something that will have an analysis "later" for González, since he stressed that we must not lose sight of the battle that brings them together now.

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