Senator Mockus shows buttocks in the Colombian Congress facility | Crazy world


  Photo: Archives | Reference

Photo: Archive | Repository | EFE

Senator Antanas Mockus of the party Alianza Verde removed his pants today and showed his ass to his colleagues during the inaugural session of Congress Colombian as a form of protest because the parliamentarians did not pay attention to the speech of the outgoing president of the Upper House, Efraín Cepeda .

The incident occurred while Cepeda took stock of his tenure as Speaker of the Senate, a few minutes after the departure of the Colombian President, Juan Manuel Santos .

"Forgive me for the rehearsal, but I could not think of anything better at the moment. It's a custom that needs to be changed, the customs are sometimes changed with specific interventions that try to be pedagogical, "Mockus told reporters explaining his behavior.

After leaving his ass in air for a second Os Mockus, philosopher and mathematician of Lithuanian origin, lifted his pants and returned to his seat in the midst of comments from parliamentarians, some of whom took pictures of the moment.

This is not the first time that Mockus has been performing this type of acts since October 1993 he also showed the back to the students of the National University, in Bogota, the country's largest graduate school center, from whom was then the rector.

On this occasion Mockus said that

On the situation presented today in Congress, the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Rivera who was sitting in the front first rank, said that "it was surprising".

"We did not expect that, but we understood it as a wake up call to allow the congressional president to make his speech because no one was listening," Rivera said.

He added that at the present time Mockus he dropped his pants "there was too much noise and too many people are talking about it."

The situation has been recorded by television and social networks where it has become a trend.


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