Seven shots killed Mormon


Ramón Centeno .- Seven shots in the back were killed Dari Steven Mata Briceño (24) last night on Tuesday, according to the account of a brother.

The homicide occurred in the 5th district of Julio, La Redoma sector of the parish Petare (Mir), when the victim left a football match and was preparing to buy cheese "to fill some were not told by his mother, "said a relative at the morgue Bello Monte

It was learned that four people on two motorbikes intercepted him on the road and shot him. One of the brothers who was with Dari escaped and called for parents to get help. The criminals fled with the deceased's mobile phone.

Allegados said that the victim died at the hospital gate. "He was the darling of the family," he said

Joseph, brother of Dari Steven, added that his relative was a member of the Latter-day Saints movement as a Mormon and was working in a company fire extinguishers as messenger. He was studying his third year of high school and he left behind a two year old girl.

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