Several incidents mark the history of Artz Pedregal


This Thursday, part of the Artz Pedregal shopping center, located in Jardines del Pedregal, south of Mexico City, collapsed, leaving no casualties.

A few hours before the collapse, the employees noticed noises and

Cesar Mendoza, one of the people who left the mall before the collapse, said that it was not the same. he followed the instructions of the civil protection to close the gas keys.

One of the paramedics who arrived at this place, named Luis Enrique, said that people who were inside the place "had heard a squeaking of the windows." Before that, people As we had people on the outside, it was the facade of the place that was falling. "

Another paramedic, Ángel Rubio, mentioned that" there is a lot of traffic in the building. " "There were a lot of people running … There was a roar all the way down … They left quickly, evacuated in time."

After the collapse, Fausto Lugo, director of Civil Protection Mexico City, reported that according to early reports, "one of the trapped, structural bodies, important, it began to expire … This caused the collapse of the aerial part. "

Firefighters, lifeguards, police, elements of the Civil Protection and search and rescue teams vetting arrived at the place

Daniel Álvarez, NCO Public Security of Mexico City, said that in a preliminary way the collapse left no victim.

The part that has collapsed is about 700 square meters.

Edmundo Garrido, Attorney General of Juice Mexico City pointed out that an investigation file had been opened "and we will begin to collect statements, from the administrative staff, the legal representative, all the people who could be witnesses of the facts to determine the responsibilities ".

The head of the government of Mexico City, José Ramón Amieva, said that it was a case of negligence and that the causes of the collapse would be examined.

"It is obvious that it is a case of negligence.They report having all the permits, with all the permissions.And they are presented before the prosecutor's office. General and that the Attorney General's office incorporates in the investigation file … That the expertise be made, an opinion as to whether what caused this collapse is a structural failure or a failure of the subsoil ",

In a statement, the company Artz Pedregal reported that after the collapse, the technical team coordinated with the authorities to implement the protocols of civil protection and that thanks to these measures, a white balance has been reported;

However, the problems of this construction are present since its planning.

In 2013, the neighbors promoted an injunction for the damages caused by the construction of the Artz Pedregal Shopping Center

In November 201 6, there was a collapse of the construction

In March 2017, a telescopic crane fell on one of the buildings under construction

That same month, the neighbors were dissatisfied with the slaughter trees.

In May 2017, dozens of Artz Pedregal workers protested outside of construction

In June 2017, neighbors symbolically shut down access to the work.

] In March 2018, Miguel Ángel Mancera, then head of government, inaugurated the square.

On this occasion, Miguel Ángel Mancera said that "the development of this work was not a simple subject … we have witnessed modernity, rigorous construction process."

The On July 1, an armed group entered the square and stole clothes and accessories from a shop inside the mall. 19659003] Read more Overlooking the terrace of Artz Pedregal causing a landslide, according to the PGJCDMX

According to information from Mario Torres.


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