Shakira opens a music festival in Lebanon


The famous Colombian singer Shakira, of Lebanese origin, opened last night the International Cedar Festival, celebrated in northern Lebanon, where he visited the city of Tannurin to follow the footsteps of his paternal grandmother , local media reported. The agency EFE

There, the artist received the keys of this city before planting two cedars of the mayor, Bahaa Harb, who announced that a small place of this reserve was named , in his honor, Shakira Mubarak, your father's surname

"I'm excited," said the singer, before adding: "I still think my family looks like to the cedars of this beautiful land, moved to Colombia to bear fruit, I am one of them ".

The artist was grateful to make her "feel" that she belonged to "this beautiful culture" of which she said she was "proud".

"Thank you for this tribute to my paternal grandmother and my father," he said.

This is Shakira's third trip to the Mediterranean country that she visited this time accompanied by her two children, after those of 2003 and 2011.

Shakira's current visit to Lebanon is part of his tour of the Dorado World Tour. EFE

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