Signs that you may have cavities


Photo: Courtesy of Mis Remedios

(Caracas, July 29, News24). -If every time you eat or drink something very cold or very hot your teeth are hurting you, it may be a sign that you have cavities.

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Cavities are openings or holes in the teeth that can become a nightmare for those who suffer from it and if they are not treated in the early stages, they can spread to all layers of the tooth

The symptoms of caries are easy to distinguish, however, as a point other than the tone of the tooth appears, this should be a sign of # 39; warning. The most common symptoms are tenderness, sudden pain, acute pain with hot or cold food, pain with a bite.

According to the Mayo Clinic, these are the most likely people to have cavities:

People with gastroesophageal reflux because gastric acid gets to the mouth, which can cause wear of the tooth enamel and be more prone to rot.

in the mouth, they have a greater risk of having cavities because saliva contains substances that neutralize the acid and allow the elimination of certain foods.

Eating disorders, such as anorexia or bulimia, are risk factors. Gastric acid whenever vomit is caused affects the enamel of the teeth, making it less resistant to cavities.

Children or babies, because of sugary drinks and milks.

Adults can ores, as the age advances, the teeth wear out, the gums retract, the medications that they take can cause dry mouth.

People who have bad cleaning of the bottom teeth, also known as molars or premolars.

For all of the above, it is recommended to go to the dentist immediately and avoid infections in the teeth or abscesses, pain and tooth loss.

With information from

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