Simón Bolívar Bridge, the hope of Venezuelans


The Director General of Colombia Migration, Christian Krüger, assured that the Simón Bolívar Bridge, which serves as a border crossing between Colombia and Venezuela, has become a symbol of Hope for the citizens of the neighboring country who cross every day to and from the Colombian territory.

According to Krüger, about 70,000 people are currently mobilized by this bridge of which only 5% they make to Venezuelan lands. These assertions were made during the presentation of new immigration controls in the three border posts of Norte de Santander.

"In the past three years, we have been working with different national and regional authorities to implement measures that would allow us to help the Venezuelan people. We started in 2015 , to welcome these 22,000 citizens who, overnight, expelled the Venezuelan government and worked for the reunification of Colombian-Venezuelan families, adding that "almost a year later, the exodus of Venezuelans started and with him, hard work to identify all those who usually traveled in the region. border. "

" More than 1 million 600 thousand Venezuelans, mainly states of Táchira and Zulia, today p The owners of the IGR and thanks to him can enter to buy in the border regions of our country, for to make food, medicine and commodity reserves that they do not find in Venezuela, "he continues. Finally, the director of Migration Colombia described these people as "a population that we called pendulum and which adds to more than 3,000 Venezuelans who pass each day with their passports, seal it in Colombia, without knowing when they will return to their country, because there are about one million Venezuelan citizens on our territory, and another million have gone to third countries, mainly in the region. "

Statements are given after the substitute of the National Assembly of Venezuela, Pedro Carreño, will speak about an eventual attack on the bridges connecting the two countries.

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