Six Nicaraguans and a Brazilian, new victims of violence in Nicaragua


(EFE) – A Brazilian student, three anti-government protesters and three Sandinistas died in new violent events in the context of the socio-political crisis in Nicaragua, which also left five injured on Tuesday.

The Brazilian government summoned the Nicaraguan ambassador to the country, Lorena Martinez, to ask for an explanation of the death of the Brazilian student Rayneia Gabrielle Lima, shot by paramilitary suspects in Managua .

Brazilian Foreign Minister Aloysio Nunes In addition to consultations with Brazil's ambassador to Nicaragua, Luís Cláudio Villafañe, to explain the death of the Brazilian, the Acan-Efe sources from the South Chancellery pointed out. -américaine.

The Brazilian student, according to the American Private University (UAM), where he was studying the sixth year of his medical career, he reported that Lima was a victim of gunfire "as a result of Violence "

" This is a manifestation of dissatisfaction with what happened, "said the sources quoted

Martinez was received Tuesday afternoon by the under -Secretary for Latin America and the Caribbean of the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Paulo Estivallet, to make statements about the death of the student

Villafañe returns to Brazil and once he will meet the Brazilian authorities, he will return to Managua to continue his work.

Brazilian, according to the American Private University (UAM), in Managua, where he was studying in sixth year of medicine, said that Lima was a victim shooting "product of a fact of violence not enc clarified "and asked the authorities her investigation and she does not go unpunished.

The Nicaraguan police claimed that a private security guard, whom he did not identify, "under circumstances yet to be determined, fired firearms, which were not used. a wounded. "

The" guardian of private surveillance is the subject of investigation for clarification ", said the police institution, without giving more than details.

Government of Nicaragua, through the intermediary of its Vice President and First Lady, Rosario Murillo, presented his condolences to the family of the Brazilian student and pointed out that he was working as a specialist in Internal Medicine at Carlos Roberto Huembes Hospital of the National Police

. The state-sponsored violence in Nicaragua is undeniable. Ortega's propaganda does not deceive anyone and does not change anything. More than 350 deaths in the hands of the regime "

The death of Lima comes amidst a socio-political crisis due to protests against President Daniel Ortega, whose crackdown has left between 277 and 351 dead, according to humanitarian organizations

Meanwhile, US Vice President Mike Pence said that Nicaragua's "state-sponsored" violence is "undeniable" and accused the Nicaraguan government of To be responsible for the deaths in the wave of country protests since April

"The state-sponsored violence in Nicaragua is undeniable. Ortega's propaganda does not deceive anyone and does not change anything. More than 350 killed by the regime. The United States urges the Ortega government to stop the violence and hold early elections, "Pence wrote on his official Twitter account.

The vice president ended his message by warning Ortega that" the world "

The United States Minister for the Americas, Sir Alan Duncan, has expressed concern about the situation in Nicaragua and criticized the excessive use of violence by the United States. Authorities and acts related to the government.

During the day, the national police confirmed that at least three civilians had been killed and that five other policemen had been injured during an armed confrontation. in northern Nicaragua between law enforcement and anti-government protesters

and five other policemen were injured during an armed confrontation in northern Nicaragua between members of the forces of the 39, order and mani festants

.The incident was recorded in the Sandino district, in the municipality of Jinotega, when police forces were working to restore freedom of movement in this place "which had been kidnapped by terrorist groups" , according to the police.

For its part, the "self-appointed" protesters in the city of Jinotega denounced a new attack by the government's "combined forces" of police, riot police, paramilitaries and paramilitaries [19659022]. Vice President Rosario Murillo reported that three Sandinista militants were killed in the northern Caribbean municipality of Waslala as part of protests against the government.

Murillo denounced that the three peasants had been murdered on Monday. persecuted, criminalized and murdered for belonging to the Sandinista Front. "

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