Six Women Accuse CAS President Les Moonves of Sexual Misconduct


The president of the CBS television network, Leslie Moonves, was charged this Friday with sexual misconduct by six women who gave their testimony to the publication The New Yorker, which is the most Recently, complaints have been made against entertainment and the media following the #MeToo movement.

Women told reporter Ronan Farrow that Moonves sexually harassed them while four of them described being petted or kissed without their consent. 19659004] "What happened to me was a sexual assault and then I was fired for not having allowed it," said actress and writer Ileana Douglas, who was named Emmy Awards

. an arm on it trying to kiss her in a violent way.

"You try to block what happened," he said in the report. "You think, how long will it last while I see this beautiful picture of your family and your children?"

Douglas says that she was personally fired by Moonves from her role in a statement, CBS stated The New Yorker that Moonves denies having sexually assaulted, intimidated or taken any retaliation against employees of the chain, although he admitted to having tried to kiss him. to Douglas

Another employee of the chain, writer Janet Jones, told Farrow that Moonves was thrown on her at a meeting and that he also tried to kiss him. "It was very fast," Jones said, adding that he had realized that the assistant manager had left his office before the meeting began.

In the report of The New Yorker about thirty employees and former employees of the chain declared that there exists in CBS a culture of discrimination based on sex where men are promoted to the detriment of women, despite allegations of misconduct.

Farrow also describes in his report extrajudicial agreements between employees. program "60 Minutes" of up to six figures for complaints of sexual misconduct.

In any case, the statement of the chain highlights that "CBS is very aware of all the problems and takes very seriously every misconduct report, however, we do not believe that the image of our company established in The New Yorker aptly describes an organization that is doing everything possible to treat their dozens of thousands of employees with dignity and respect. "

In photos: C & # 39; was the protest against sexual harassers at the #MeToo March in Hollywood


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